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Iterative Solution of Systems of Linear Equations

Symmetric Systems of Equations

The minres Module

Solve the linear system

A x = b

or the least-squares problem

minimize ||Ax-b||

using Minres. This is a line-by-line translation from Matlab code available at

class minres.Minres(A, **kwargs)

K = Minres(A) ; K.solve(b)

This class implements the Minres iterative solver of Paige and Saunders. Minres solves the system of linear equations Ax = b or the least squares problem min ||Ax - b||_2^2, where A is a symmetric matrix (possibly indefinite or singular) and b is a given vector.

A may be given explicitly as a matrix or be a function such that

A(x, y)

stores in y the product Ax for any given vector x. If A is an instance of some matrix class, it should have a ‘matvec’ method such that A.matvec(x, y) has the behaviour described above.

Optional keyword arguments are:

precon optional preconditioner, given as an operator (None) shift optional shift value (0.0) show display information along the iterations (True) check perform some argument checks (True) itnlim maximum number of iterations (5n) rtol relative stopping tolerance (1.0e-12)

If precon is given, it must define a positive-definite preconditioner M = C C’. The precon operator must be such that

x = precon(y)

returns the solution x to the linear system M x = y, for any given y.

If shift != 0, minres really solves (A - shift*I)x = b or the corresponding least squares problem if shift is an eigenvalue of A.

The return values (as returned by the Matlab version of Minres) are stored in the members

x, istop, itn, rnorm, Arnorm, Anorm, Acond, ynorm

of the class, after completion of solve().

Python version: Dominique Orban, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, 2008, translated and adapted from the Matlab version of Minres, written by

Michael Saunders, SOL, Stanford University Sou Cheng Choi, SCCM, Stanford University

See also

applyA(x, y)

Given x, compute the matrix-vector product y = Ax

normof2(x, y)
solve(b, **kwargs)

The pcg Module

A pure Python/numpy implementation of the Steihaug-Toint truncated preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm as described in

T. Steihaug, The conjugate gradient method and trust regions in large scale optimization, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 20 (3), pp. 626-637, 1983.
class pcg.TruncatedCG(g, **kwargs)

Solve the trust-region subproblem.

to_boundary(s, p, radius, ss=None)

Given vectors s and p and a trust-region radius radius > 0, return the positive scalar sigma such that

|| s + sigma * p || = radius

in Euclidian norm. If known, supply optional argument ss whose value should be the squared Euclidian norm of s.

The pygltr Module

Solution of a trust-region subproblem using the preconditioned Lanczos method.

class pygltr.PyGltrContext(g, **kwargs)

Create a new instance of a PyGltrContext object, representing a context to solve the quadratic problem

min <g, d> + 1/2 <d, Hd> s.t ||d|| <= radius

where either the Hessian matrix H or a means to compute matrix-vector products with H, are to be specified later.

Parameters :
g:gradient vector (of length n)
Keywords :
radius:trust-region radius (default: 1.0)
reltol:relative stopping tolerance (default: sqrt(eps))
abstol:absolute stopping tolerance (default: 0.0)
prec:function solving preconditioning systems. If M is a preconditioner, prec(v) returns a solution to the linear system of equations Mx = v (default: None)
itmax:maximum number of iterations (default: n)
litmax:maximum number of Lanczos iterations on the boundary (default: n)
ST:Use Steihaug-Toint strategy (default: False)
boundary:Indicates whether the solution is thought to lie on the boundary of the trust region (default: False)
equality:Require that the solution lie on the boundary (default: False)
fraction:Fraction of optimality that is acceptable. A value smaller than 1.0 results in a correspondingly sub-optimal solution. (default: 1.0)

See the GLTR spec sheet for more information on these parameters.

Convergence of the iteration takes place as soon as

Norm(Hd + l Md + g) <= max(Norm(g) * reltol, abstol)
where M is a preconditioner
l is an estimate of the Lagrange multipliers Norm() is the M^{-1}-norm

Solves the quadratic trust-region subproblem whose data was specified upon initialization. During the reverse communication phase, matrix vector products with the Hessian H will be computed explicitly using the matvec method of the object H. For instance, if H is an ll_mat, or csr_mat, products will be evaluated using H.matvec(x,y).


Solves the quadratic trust-region subproblem whose data was specified upon initialization. During the reverse communication phase, matrix vector products with the Hessian H will be computed implicitly using the supplied hessprod method. Given an array v, hessprod must return an array of the same size containing the result of the multiplication H*v. For instance, if the problem is from an Ampl model called nlp, the hessprod method could be

lambda v: nlp.hprod(z, v)

for some multiplier estimates z.

The projKrylov Module

A general framework for implementing projected Krylov methods. Such methods are variations on all the well-known Krylov methods to solve block augmented linear systems, i.e., linear systems of the form

[ H A^T ] [ x ] = [ c ] [ A 0 ] [ y ] [ b ],

where H and A are matrices and A^T is the transpose of A. Here, H may or may not be symmetric and may or may not have stronger properties, such as positive definiteness. It may be available as an operator only or explicitly. However, all projected Krylov methods currently require that B be available explicitly.

Such matrices arise, for example, in the solution of partial differential equations (e.g., Maxwell or Navier-Stokes) by the finite-element method. For more information on general Krylov methods and projected Krylov methods, see the references below.

This module defines the ProjectedKrylov generic class. Other modules subclass ProjectedKrylov to implement specific algorithms. Currently, the following methods are implemented

Method Module Class
Projected Conjugate Gradient ppcg Ppcg
Projected Bi-CGSTAB pbcgstab Pbcgstab

Other projected iterative methods may be found as part of the PyKrylov package. See


[Kel95]C. T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.
[Orb08]D. Orban, Projected Krylov Methods for Unsymmetric Augmented Systems, Cahiers du GERAD G-2008-46, GERAD, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
class projKrylov.ProjectedKrylov(c, **kwargs)

Make sure constraints are consistent and residual is satisfactory


Assemble projection matrix and factorize it

P = [ G A^T ]
[ A 0 ],

where G is the preconditioner, or the identity matrix if no preconditioner was given.


If rhs was specified, obtain x_feasible satisfying the constraints


This is the Solve method of the abstract projectedKrylov class. The class must be specialized and this method overridden.

The ppcg Module

An implementation of the projected conjugate gradient algorithm as described in

N.I.M. Gould, M.E. Hribar and J. Nocedal, On the Solution of Equality Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems Arising in Optimization, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (4), pp. 1376-1395, 2001.

with the addition of an optional trust-region constraint.

class ppcg.ProjectedCG(c, **kwargs)

Bases: nlpy.krylov.projKrylov.ProjectedKrylov


Make sure constraints are consistent and residual is satisfactory


Assemble projection matrix and factorize it

P = [ G A^T ]
[ A 0 ],

where G is the preconditioner, or the identity matrix if no preconditioner was given.


If rhs was specified, obtain x_feasible satisfying the constraints

ftb(s, p)

If fraction-to-the-boundary rule is to be enforced, compute step length to satisfy s + t*p >= btol * cur_iter.

to_boundary(s, p, Delta, ss=None)

Given vectors s and p and a trust-region radius Delta > 0, return the positive scalar sigma such that

|| s + sigma * p || = Delta

in Euclidian norm. If known, supply optional argument ss whose value should be the squared Euclidian norm of argument s.

Non-Symmetric Systems of Equations

The pbcgstab Module

An implementation of the projected Bi-CGSTAB algorithm as described in

D. Orban Projected Krylov Methods for Unsymmetric Augmented Systems, Cahiers du GERAD G-2008-46, GERAD, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
class pbcgstab.ProjectedBCGSTAB(c, **kwargs)

Bases: projKrylov.ProjectedKrylov


Make sure constraints are consistent and residual is satisfactory


Assemble projection matrix and factorize it

P = [ G A^T ]
[ A 0 ],

where G is the preconditioner, or the identity matrix if no preconditioner was given.


If rhs was specified, obtain x_feasible satisfying the constraints
