SILS: An abstract framework for the factorization of symmetric indefinite matrices. The factorizations currently implemented are those of MA27 and MA57 from the Harwell Subroutine Library (
Ma27: Direct multifrontal solution of symmetric systems
Bases: sils.Sils
fetch_lb() returns the factors L and B of A such that
P^T A P = L B L^T
where P is as in fetch_perm(), L is unit upper triangular and B is block diagonal with 1x1 and 2x2 blocks. Access to the factors is available as soon as a PyMa27Context has been instantiated.
fetch_perm() returns the permutation vector p used to compute the factorization of A. Rows and columns were permuted so that
P^T A P = L B L^T
where i-th row of P is the p(i)-th row of the identity matrix, L is unit upper triangular and B is block diagonal with 1x1 and 2x2 blocks.
refine( b, tol, nitref ) performs iterative refinement if necessary until the scaled residual norm ||b-Ax||/(1+||b||) falls below the threshold ‘tol’ or until nitref steps are taken. Make sure you have called solve() with the same right-hand side b before calling refine(). The residual vector self.residual will be updated to reflect the updated approximate solution.
By default, tol = 1.0e-8 and nitref = 3.
solve(b) solves the linear system of equations Ax = b. The solution will be found in self.x and residual in self.residual.
Ma57: Direct multifrontal solution of symmetric systems
Bases: sils.Sils
Perform numerical factorization. Before this can be done, symbolic factorization (the “analyze” phase) must have been performed.
The values of the elements of the matrix may have been altered since the analyze phase but the sparsity pattern must not have changed. Use the optional argument newA to specify the updated matrix if applicable.
fetch_perm() returns the permutation vector p used to compute the factorization of A. Rows and columns were permuted so that
P^T A P = L B L^T
where i-th row of P is the p(i)-th row of the identity matrix, L is unit upper triangular and B is block diagonal with 1x1 and 2x2 blocks.
refine( b, nitref ) performs iterative refinement if necessary until the scaled residual norm ||b-Ax||/(1+||b||) falls below the threshold ‘tol’ or until nitref steps are taken. Make sure you have called solve() with the same right-hand side b before calling refine(). The residual vector self.residual will be updated to reflect the updated approximate solution.
By default, nitref = 3.
solve(b) solves the linear system of equations Ax = b. The solution will be found in self.x and residual in self.residual.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 | # Demonstrate usage of PyMa27 abstract class for the solution of symmetric
# systems of linear equations.
# Example usage: python file1.mtx ... fileN.mtx
# where each fileK.mtx is in MatrixMarket format.
from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext
#from nlpy.linalg.pyma57 import PyMa57Context as LBLContext
from pysparse import spmatrix
from import norms
from import cputime
import numpy
def Hilbert(n):
The cream of ill conditioning: the Hilbert matrix. See Higham,
"Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algoriths", section 28.1.
The matrix has elements H(i,j) = 1/(i+j-1) when indexed
i,j=1..n. However, here we index as i,j=0..n-1, so the elements
are H(i,j) = 1/(i+j+1).
if n <= 0: return None
if n == 1: return 1.0
nnz = n * (n - 1)/2
H = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n, nnz)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1):
H[i,j] = 1.0/(i+j+1)
return H
def Ma27SpecSheet():
# This is the example from the MA27 spec sheet
# Solution should be [1,2,3,4,5]
A = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(5, 7)
A[0,0] = 2
A[1,0] = 3
A[2,1] = 4
A[2,2] = 1
A[3,2] = 5
A[4,1] = 6
A[4,4] = 1
rhs = numpy.ones(5, 'd')
rhs[0] = 8
rhs[1] = 45
rhs[2] = 31
rhs[3] = 15
rhs[4] = 17
return (A, rhs)
def SolveSystem(A, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-6, nitrefmax=5, **kwargs):
# Obtain Sils context object
t = cputime()
LBL = LBLContext(A, **kwargs)
t_analyze = cputime() - t
# Solve system and compute residual
t = cputime()
t_solve = cputime() - t_analyze
# Compute residual norm
nrhsp1 = norms.norm_infty(rhs) + 1
nr = norms.norm2(LBL.residual)/nrhsp1
# If residual not small, perform iterative refinement
LBL.refine(rhs, tol = itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)
nr1 = norms.norm_infty(LBL.residual)/nrhsp1
return (LBL.x, LBL.residual, nr, nr1, t_analyze, t_solve, LBL.neig)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import os
matrices = sys.argv[1:]
hdr_fmt = '%-13s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-7s %-7s %-5s\n'
res_fmt = '%-13s %-11.5e %-11.5e %-11.5e %-7.3f %-7.3f %-5d\n'
hdrs = ('Name', 'Rel. resid.', 'Residual', 'Resid itref', 'Analyze',
'Solve', 'neig')
header = hdr_fmt % hdrs
lhead = len(header)
sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')
sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')
# Solve example from the spec sheet
(A, rhs) = Ma27SpecSheet()
(x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(A, rhs)
exact = numpy.arange(5, dtype = 'd') + 1
relres = norms.norm2(x - exact) / norms.norm2(exact)
sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Spec sheet',relres,nr,nr1,t_an,t_sl,neig))
# Solve example with Hilbert matrix
n = 10
H = Hilbert(n)
e = numpy.ones(n, 'd')
rhs = numpy.empty(n, 'd')
H.matvec(e, rhs)
(x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(H, rhs)
relres = norms.norm2(x - e) / norms.norm2(e)
sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Hilbert', relres, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig))
# Process matrices given on the command line
for matrix in matrices:
M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(matrix)
(m,n) = M.shape
if m != n: break
e = numpy.ones(n, 'd')
rhs = numpy.empty(n, 'd')
M.matvec(e, rhs)
(x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(M, rhs)
relres = norms.norm2(x - e) / norms.norm2(e)
probname = os.path.basename(matrix)
if probname[-4:] == '.mtx': probname = probname[:-4]
sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % (probname,relres,nr,nr1,t_an,t_sl,neig))
sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')